A filmkritikusok is imádják az Oscar-díjra jelölt Spike Lee “BAD” dokumentumfilmjét! A New York-i The Village Voice a következőket írja a filmről:
Look, if there’s any part of you that thinks you might be interested in catching BAD25, Spike Lee’s two-hour celebration/behind-the-scenes history of Michael Jackson’s 1988 BAD LP, then seriously, get to it. This is a bliss-out. The performance footage alone is thrilling, and Lee has augmented it with archival treasures: dance rehearsals where Jackson and choreographers Jeffrey Daniel and Caszper Canidate seem lost in the joy of invention; recordings of vocal exercises revealing Jackson’s rarely plumbed lower registers; video shot by Jackson himself of Siedah Garrett singing her then-new song (co-written with Glen Ballard) “Man in the Mirror” to Jackson and Quincy Jones. … Spike Lee has given the world the first tribute that fully measures up to Jackson the artist. Come on get your sham on.
A teljes cikkért kattints ide! A dokumentumfilmet október 19-től 1 héten át láthatják New York és Los Angeles lakói a helyi mozikban.