Jokingly, me and my friends call this my Michael Shrine. They are the three most valuable things Michael related that I currently own, in my personaly opinion. This is made of a vinal copy of “The Best of Michael Jackson” from 1975; the “Remembering Michael” magazine that was released on the one-year anniversery of Michael’s passing; under “Remembering Michael” is a book called “Moonwalker”, but it’s all these private photo’s of Michael and concert photos. The candle that you see is something that a friend of mine bought me, my friend Tina, and my friend Kristy on the day that Michael passed away. We couldn’t go to the vigal, and she knew we wanted to, so she bought us all candles and we did out own little thing outside my house. What’s not pictured here is my “Off the Wall” cassette tape and my “Thriller” cassette tape, both of which also mean the whole world to me.